Building on a 50 year reputation!

Quality ISO 9000

Quality has always been the watchword of O’Malley Construction, but today that time-honoured commitment is sealed with the official stamp of ISO 9002, the guarantee of absolute and monitored quality in planning materials, workmanship and project management.
For O’Malley Construction, the quality process begins long before a project comes to the construction stage. It is inherent in the way the company organises its administrative structure and systems, in the attention to record keeping and to detail, in the selection and training of key personnel and contract workforce.
Communication is at the heart of the quality mission, with clear lines of contact and consultation maintained to client and design team, site manager and subcontractor, regulatory bodies and planning authorities.
The O’Malley approach to quality is best expressed in the words of its Quality Assurance Manager: “The process of quality assurance is an ongoing one, and requires consistent commitment. There are no short cuts to achieving quality in the construction industry; every project requires that you start at the beginning and follow the procedures to the end.”